Almost the complete history of the oil and gas industry
Every single paper ever presented at WPC Congresses from 1933 to 2002 available on a single DVD disk.
We have just completed a major project for digitising the whole of the WPC Historical archive. Every paper ever presented from 1933 to Rio in 2002 has been scanned and is compressed onto a single DVD. It is also possible to carryout multi language searches within the text of every single paper. We hope that this valuable tool will open up the WPC archive for future generations. We are indebted to the Chinese National Committee, The French National Committee (AFTP) and members of the UK National Committee, ABN AMRO and CBI International for their financial support which has allowed us to carry out this project.
To give you an idea of the size of this project we have scanned over 50,000 pages, containing (and recognising) over half a million words. Scanned over 5000 tables and charts and also incorporated large seismic charts from the earlier volumes. All text is searchable and a high speed search engine has been written with unique algorithms for language (in some of the earlier volumes some papers are in German and French), it is Boolean searching enabled, allows phrases to be searched for, contains automatic categorisation and can be transferred to run on the Internet without having to start from scratch. For good measure we have also added the videos from the Rio Congress to the disk. If you have a whole wall full of thick heavy volumes then they can all be replaced by this single DVD.
The DVD comes with full instructions. Minimum specification required, IBM PC, Windows 95/98/2000/Me/XP/Vista, Screen resolution of 800x600 or higher and a DVD ROM Drive. This DVD containing the searchable content of 17 Congresses is now available for purchase at the special online order price of 500 pounds sterling (post free worldwide). Please press the buy now button below to obtain your copy. Major credit cards accepted.
If you experience any difficulties in ordering please email
Please note you can pay using all major credit cards via the links
Also available now the 2005 South Africa Proceedings also on DVD only £300. This is the 18th Congress and is not on the archive and also includeds videos of the event.

As a special offer we can also offer the complete 17th Congress proceedings on a single CD (instead of a four volume book set) for only £100.
Please note you do not have to have a paypal account. The links below also offer the option to use a credit card.
To buy the DVD archive (for only £500) click here:
To buy the 2005 proceedings (for only £300) click here:
To buy the 2002 proceeedings (for only £100) click here:
To view your shopping cart click here:
All delivered free anywhere in the World